Design Innovation: Read to the end to win!

Innovation in the design world is a tall order that often isn’t rewarded by the majority straight away.

Why is this? Well, in short, with a sheep-like character, people don’t often like what is new and different right away. We like what we see often and what we see other people liking.


Take design periods for example, the Renaissance period was one fuelled by the desire for change and the need for ‘rebirth’.  Filippo Brunelleschi was one of the founding innovators of this period and it lasted three centuries, spreading all over Europe. When Filippo started this design movement, he wouldn’t have been around long enough to see the true impact it had on the world of design. How sad that the wheel of design moves so slowly and yet currently, it’s hard to keep up with the changing trends. If that isn’t a contradiction…


I often wonder where design will go next? What is going to be the next big idea, design changing moment? To be honest, if you look very carefully, design styles like fashion, seem to rather get blended together rather than renewed. Now I am not saying this about all designers around the globe, we have some incredible free thinkers that are pushing boundaries but, will they get to see their ideas and work appreciated to the full?

I don’t have the answer, but what I can say is that the majority of people, that designers are working for, are only looking through a few design lenses.


At the end of the day, everyone what’s to return home to a space that ticks all the boxes. We want to be able to relax, have ‘spa retreat’ bathrooms, have space for fun, cooking and entertaining. We all have design styles that appeal to us and that we are naturally draw towards, I am no exception.

As much as I LOVE Pinterest, I do feel that it is putting everyone in a box, a Pinterest box. It almost brainwashes you into believing that is how your home should look. This is false, always add some of yourself and the elements that make you who YOU are into your home. This is what home is, it’s YOUR space.

Below is a great picture of interior design throughout history, just something interesting. But for the people who aren’t design crazy like myself, I might of lost you by now…

If you are still reading, firstly, well done! Secondly, I would like to try out a new idea for my business on you.

I would like to start an online consult service. Ok, I know it sounds crazy but hang in there..

The people who this service is aimed for:

  • Work long hours and busy weekend
  • Crazy run around mom who NEVER have has enough time
  • Lives in the bush

My home consult would be an hour to hour and a half chat to discuss your home and the spaces you what updated. I then jot down my ideas and send them to you via email with example pics so we all on the same design page.

Now, what if you meet the top criteria and having me around for a consult is tricky? We live in a digital age, why not send me pictures and a video of your space and I will consult you over email and phone if needed. I know this takes the personal, one to one touch out of the design process but I would like to give it a try and see how it flairs.

This is where it gets fun.. The first person to get in touch with me via phone, Facebook or email, will get their online consult FOR FREE! (Apologies to family, you already get design advice for free ;)) This is for a single space and I will help you change that space into what you have wanted it to be for oh so long! Let’s think outside the box and have fun, if we can’t have fun in our own homes, where can we?



I come from generations of natural designers and I have been designing spaces with my mother and grandmother for as long as I can remember. I delight in upcycling dated and previously loved furniture and fittings and making them work in a space. I am always honoured to help a client turn their home into their unique space that reflects them and their family. A home is an investment that should be enjoyed and lived in to the full.
  1. Great idea – one has to go with current trends and digital is current.

  2. What an excellent idea … it’s exactly what’s needed in today’s world of massive time constraints.
    Well done Robyn on seeing that gap … and becoming so much more accessible to people all over the country.

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